Home PUBLIC ADDRESS CONTROLS OMNITRONIC PA Program Selector mono bk OMNITRONIC PA Program Selector mono bk SKU: 80711072 15,06 € Discount of %. IVA included. Buy Contact Add to wishlist Mountable PA program controller with 24 V emergency priority relaySwitches one of 6 signal sources to one speaker outputSuitable for 100 V audio technique or other signalsBlack plastic front panel and knobScrew plug connectionAvailable in various colorsFlush mountingFinery housing (optional)Priority relay:24 VHousing design:Flush mountingFinery housing (optional)Dimensions:Width: 8 cmDepth: 6,7 cmHeight: 8 cmWeight:110 g Brand Omnitronic Tags OMNITRONICPAProgramSelectormonobkSeletordeprograma Share